Monday, December 08, 2008

Scrooge's Change Of Heart

Last night I watched "A Christmas Carol", the version with the actor George C. Scott in the role of Ebenezer Scrooge. Of any rendition of this movie that I've seen, this one is my favorite.

The reason I mention this is because, as it happens every year at this time I have difficulty dealing with getting into the spirit of the season. This year is especially challenging because of the position I find myself in. The weight of the troubles our country is having certainly influence the way I'm feeling this season as well, and it makes me sad. Last year I believe I wrote about this, and at that time I distinctly remember feeling frustrated and angry. One of the other things I was dealing with then was a multitude of cardiac arrests that seemed to me were happening one after another after another. I know that affected my attitude at that time. This year is different; I'm not dealing with death like I was last year, but I'm dealing with my own physical frustration. It is no less maddening, just different. And this year I can do nothing about it except handle my situation a day at a time.

Why is my watching "A Christmas Carol" significant? The answer is simple: its message helps me re-focus on what is really important instead of focusing on my own problems. That is as important as it is helpful to remember, because I really don't want to focus on my own problems anyhow. Besides, in the grand scheme of things, my problems are not significant. Certainly they're not significant when they are compared to the things that really are important. And I would really rather not think of the problems I'm having right now. I'll deal with them - absolutely I will. But to dwell on them? What's the point? They won't be solved if I do that; the only way to actually make that happen is to deal with them and work them out. It does no good to indulge in self-pity.

My favorite scene is the one I've included below. It is the scene where Scrooge reconciles with his nephew, Fred, and for the first time meets Fred's wife. Think about the last line of this scene; I believe it is among the most important things that Scrooge says. It is something each of us should consider any time we give thanks for the gifts we are given, whether we are given gifts we want, or gifts we don't want.

Especially the ones we don't want.....


Laura said...

I enjoyed that one too! The message was always there.
(John 1:5) And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Is it a question of decision?

Unknown said...

In a manner of speaking, Laura, the answer is "without question."

What I take away from that is the prayer for forgiveness of wasted time. I ask the Lord for that forgiveness often enough that I recognized it when I watched this scene.