Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Weekend After

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my house a day late this year because of my work schedule and my kids’ being with their mother that day. It’s always been a point I’ve insisted on that my kids get to see their relations on Thanksgiving (aunts/uncles/cousins) whether or not I’m with them.  Now that they’re both adults for the most part it’s more interesting to hear about the interactions with those other family members. From what my son told me this year was no different. After they had dinner they had the obligatory touch football game. He told me that he was incredibly sore the next day. I’m not surprised…

We had the typical Thanksgiving meal: roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, etc., etc. There were 6 of us for dinner: Martha and me, Jon and his girlfriend, and Kerry and Scottie. Nancy begged off because she’d had another commitment; she’d been at the house but it was late when we ate (nearly 8:00 last night) and I knew she had another place she needed to be at. She’s going to have dinner with us either tomorrow or Monday, and I suspect it will be the last solid food she enjoys for a while as she is having her tonsils out Tuesday.

Today I’m dealing with the aftermath of too much turkey. The upset stomach, indigestion, and other things that go along with a huge late meal and not much sleep last night. I’m better now than when I got out of bed this morning, but I don’t expect I’ll be eating much today.

I don’t know what the rest of the day will bring, but I’m going to do my best to take it easy. I have studying to do plus I have a report I have to write. So I am going to work towards getting some of that done before the world explodes later.

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