Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Finally! I Can Write Again

Back in May I had a serious problem with my computer. It crashed hard. All because of a glass of water. It was a reminder that water and electronic devices are not intended to play together. So I replaced it with another, newer model netbook. Slightly bigger than the one I had been using, it has more memory, a larger hard drive, the current operating system (Windows 7 as opposed to what I had been using, Windows XP), and a full-sized keyboard. It looked great out of the box until I discovered that there were keys that weren't functioning. So I had to go through the repair/replacement process with the manufacturer; because I bought it from a "big box" store, I couldn't use them to simply replace the computer. That, just by itself, was painful. But I'm happy to report that I got it back yesterday, and it is fully operational. The best part? No data loss! I had loaded some of my files on it prior to discovering the keyboard problems, but since I had them backed up I wasn't worried if they had to flash the memory or format the hard drive. But it was a non-issue. And I am pleased about that.

I've had a lot go on since the computer went out for repair. Peyton, my grand-daughter, had her tonsils and adenoids removed about 3 weeks ago. Martha spent 9 days in the hospital for an asthma attack that nearly went out of control and took her over 4 weeks to recover from. My car broke down hard and I was without it for about 3 weeks. Add all of these together and it hasn't been much fun lately around my house. But things are finally turning around.

Last week Martha and I, ostensibly as part of her strength regimen, spent a day in Newport, Rhode Island. The last time I personally had been there was 32 years ago as a student on a field trip. It was an amazing experience then as it was this time around as well. We had to take it easy as I didn't want Martha to get into trouble (and my back was screaming at me), but we had a great time just the same. We are planning to go again soon and make a weekend out of it, and I imagine we'll go again and explore the town of Newport even more over time.

I think we may have found ourselves a place to escape to from time to time.

As there has been a lot going on, I am planning on breaking up the number of posts so that is all a little easier to read. That said, there is more to come, including some writing about the job. And that's what this blog is supposed to be about, isn't it?


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Welcome back to blogworld, Walt !
I am so glad Martha is on the mend, and hope Peyton is fully recovered too.

TOTWTYTR said...

You had an "exciting" few weeks, didn't you?

Glad you're back to work and back on line.