Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday in Brentwood.....

Another post while I'm at work. The Red Sox in into game 2 of a double-header with the Chicago White Sox (tied at 0-0 in the top of the second inning). So far, so good - nothing going on. I should be studying but I truly don't feel like it.....

My daughter, her mother, my wife, and I sat down Wednesday night to talk about what happened to her over the weekend. It was a rather enlightening conversation, if I do say so. Turns out that some of the suspicions I've had about my daughter's behavior are well-founded. I have to say that I am proud of the way the adults (myself included) handled themselves; no voices were raised, no recriminations were handed out, no condemnations were spewed from any of our mouths. However, in probing my daughter, one statement she made in getting to the bottom of why she got drunk to my ex-wife and me was "both of you f---ed me over when you got divorced." I think that C inwardly winced at that statement. On the other hand, I suspected that for a very long time, but I had no way to get to the bottom of that before now. But now I know that for certain.

My wife, thank God, sort of led the conversation. M was quite adept at talking and steering the conversation in the direction that it needed to go. C didn't say a lot, and I had to really bite my tongue because I was afraid I would lose my cool. Fortunately it didn't come to that. Having that mental health nursing background was definitely a gift - I don't think anyone else would have handled it so well. Overall, it went much better than I thought it would; N left not in tears, and we were able to come to some decisions on what should be done. First, she got grounded for a bit; loss of computer priveleges and being home bound for the next couple of weeks with a re-assessment of that at the end of that time. We also are getting her into some counseling as she has some work to do; the feelings that she has have been festering since my ex and I divorced in 2000. We are also going to hook her up, in some way, with an Al-ATeen chapter in the area, probably with help from the therapist she goes to work with.

I will also be talking with her frequently as I don't want to see her go under; after all, she is my baby girl and not only do I love her dearly, but I am worried for her well-being; I don't want her to be in trouble later in life, and clearly she has problems that she has to confront. And as much as the rest of us can help her, she has to do that work by herself.

More over the weekend. Labor Day is next Monday, and with that comes the end of racing season at Rockingham Park. I can't wait.....

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