Saturday, April 24, 2010

Getting Close To The End…

…Of the spring semester.

The last class of the semester is next Friday. Over the couple of days around it we have a final written and practical exam. I have to say that I’m pretty happy about the way the semester has gone, in terms of the academic aspect of it. I’ve been pretty consistent, in terms of exams and lab-related activity. Overall, provided I don’t fall on my behind with the second lab practical, I should be okay.

As for the summer, I’d planned to take it off, but as it stands I have to have Microbiology done so as to be able to apply to nursing school. That means it looks like I’ll be taking the course over the summer term – twice a week, five hours each day, for eight weeks.

So that I can get an application into the Graduate School at UNH, I need to have the following requirements met:

  • A baccalaureate degree – for the program I’m interested in, the degree doesn’t have to be in a health-related discipline
  • The following courses: Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Microbiology, a Statistics course, and while not required, it is strongly recommended that a writing and research course is taken
  • Letters of reference from three people, one an academic

It’s interesting that I don’t have to take the qualifying test for the NLN (National League of Nurses) or the GRE/GMAT. And I’m certainly not complaining about that. I’m hopeful, also, that my background will help my being considered for a slot in the program. In talking with different people about this, the overwhelming opinion is that it would be folly for the people who are responsible for making admission decisions to not consider someone like myself. Truthfully, I’m not sure it’s that simple; after all I don’t doubt that people will be applying for slots in the next class starting who are academically more qualified than I am. And – the other thing I get a little bit concerned about is whether or not my age will be held against me. Legally it’s not supposed to happen, but I don’t doubt that there could be some of that, albeit in a veiled sort of way. I suppose all I can do is wait and see how things shake out.

In the meantime, I need to spend some time this week preparing for the practical exam. And I have a number of other things I need to do as well. More on those next time.

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